Building Parliamentary Research & Gender Analysis Capacity at the Sub-national Level in Myanmar: Shan State Hluttaw

The project was successful in introducing members and staff of the country’s largest and most ethnically diverse sub-national parliament, the Shan State Hluttaw, to the value and methodology of gender-sensitive legislative research.

Moreover, we facilitated the process of the Shan State Hluttaw coming up with a five-year Operational Plan for Developing Research Capacity and presenting it to the international donor community: a first in Myanmar and a potential model for the rest of the country’s 14
sub-national parliaments.

An independent evaluation commissioned by the funder gave a high praise of the project, recommending to “replicate the Shan State success with other research institutions” and noting that “the proximity to government in this parliamentary training project is a key mechanism to influence policy and build relationships.”

November 2017 – June 2019
Focus: Parliamentary Institution; Parliaments and Gender; Parliamentary Research; Needs
Assessment and Project Design
Funders: Global Affairs Canada; International Development Research Centre (IDRC)