Legislative and Regulatory Impact Assessment Training – PASS Ukraine

July 19 2021:

Without regulatory impact assessment, the objective of legislation may not be achieved and it may create regulatory burden.” – Daniel Trnka, OECD.

Ukrainian legislators are active in both initiating legislation and in considering draft laws submitted by the executive branch. Being able to access the potential impacts of draft laws, including the way diverse groups of society would be affected, is of key importance for making informed decisions.

On July 8th and 9th, as partners in the Parliamentary Accountability of the Security Sector in Ukraine (PASS Ukraine) project, the Parliamentary Centre and the Agency for Legislative Initiatives held a training session on “Legislative and Regulatory Impact Assessment and its Application to Security Sector Reform Legislation.”

The purpose of the training seminar was to familiarize MPs and parliamentary staff with Canadian and international experience in assessing legislative and regulatory impact, including assessing the different effects of legislation on women and men.

We are honoured to have been joined by and learned from Nicola Kim, First Secretary, Embassy of Canada in Ukraine; Daniel Trnka, Deputy Head, Regulatory Policy Division, Public Governance Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD); Rick Stewart, Executive Director of the Regulatory Governance Initiative (RGI) and Co-Director of the Career Development for Regulatory Professionals (CDRP) Program in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University; and, Michael Presley, Director, Certificate Program in Regulatory Leadership, Centre for Public Management and Policy, University of Ottawa and Former Assistant Deputy Minister (Regulatory Affairs) at the Treasury Board Secretariat, Canada.

The partners of the PASS Ukraine project stand ready to support the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in conducting legislative and regulatory impact assessments on pieces of legislation selected by Committees, and to support the process of determining how these assessments can become regular practice.

Parliamentary Accountability for the Security Sector in Ukraine (PASS Ukraine) is implemented by Parliamentary Centre and Лабораторія законодавчих ініціатив/Agency for Legislative Initiatives and it aims to promote peace and stability in Ukraine by supporting the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to play its central role in formulating, implementing, monitoring and reforming security policy. This project is made possible thanks to the support of the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOPs) of Canada’s Foreign Policy—Global Affairs Canada.

Read more here.