Parliamentary Centre contributes to study on defence policy review
On September 21, 2016 – which also happened to be the International Day of Peace – the Parliamentary Centre was honoured to be called as a witness during the meeting of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. This intervention was to support the study conducted by the Committee on issues related to the Defence Policy Review undertaken by the Canadian government.
The Parliamentary Centre was represented by Ms. Petra Andersson-Charest, Director of Programs. During her opening remarks, she stressed the importance of a holistic approach to peace operations, in line with the proposed whole-of-government approach, where cooperation and coordination between actors are required. She also underlined the importance of ensuring that good governance is a critical component of this approach to reinforce and build sustainable peace. Building peace and good governance are inseparably connected – the first cannot happen without the other.
To read the Parliamentary Centre’s remarks, please click here.
You can also watch the Parliamentary Centre’s contribution to the meeting here.