Training Sessions with the National Assembly of Armenia

February 22nd, 2020: On February 11, 2021, the Parliamentary Centre launched a series of online training sessions with Parliamentary Centre Associate and former Senate Clerk, Paul Belisle, for managers of the administration of the National Assembly of Armenia. Our goal is to share Canadian and international good practices in the field of parliamentary administration as well as to discuss their adaptation to the Armenian context. The sessions will focus on parliamentary administration, human resources, public relations and communications, and leadership.

Paul Belisle has worked with legislatures for 50 years, 16 of which he spent as the Clerk of the Senate, leading a team of 500 employees. Since then, he has been a trusted consultant leading international seminars and working groups on the provision of resources and services to legislatures around the world in an effort to support inclusive democracy. Notably, Paul has worked in Bangladesh, Bénin, Cambodia, Fiji, Jamaica, Myanmar, Nigeria, Togo, and Armenia. He found the experience rewarding and enriching, saying: 

Despite the technical – language difference and time zone adjustments challenges – I found online learning to be immediate, effective and successful. Well beyond any expectations, giving me the opportunity to make a difference! My sincere gratitude to all who made this great experience possible.

About Support to Parliamentary Reform in Armenia

These sessions are held under the project ‘Support to Parliamentary Reform in Armenia’ with the assistance of the Pro Dem Fund of Global Affairs Canada. The initiative supports the Secretary-General of the Armenian Parliament and team to draw up a new organizational structure and a framework for a working process of the administration of parliament that is realistic, affordable, gender-sensitive, and reflects the needs of the new cohort of parliamentarians, including women legislators.

Read more here.