Category Events

14th Annual Day for Diplomats

14th Annual Day for Diplomats – EngageParlDiplo offered a half-day orientation session for newly arrived foreign representatives in Canada. It took place on Thursday, November 21, from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Carleton University’s Richcraft Hall.This initiative is led by the Parliamentary…

3rd Annual Democracy Awards

On October 23 at the British High Commission, Ben Mulroney and Paul Broadbent accepted the ‘Dedication to Democracy’ awards on behalf of their families for their fathers, the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney PC CC GOQ and Hon. Ed Broadbent PC…

La démocratie compte : faites votre part 2023

Le Centre parlementaire a organisé sa deuxième édition annuelle de ‘La démocratie compte : faites votre part’ sous le chapiteau d’Earnscliffe, la résidence historique du Haut Commissaire britannique, le mardi 26 septembre. Parmi les invités figuraient des politiciens, des diplomates,…

Do it for Democracy 2023

The Parliamentary Centre hosted its second annual Do It For Democracy under the marquee at Earnscliffe, the historic residence of the British High Commissioner, on Tuesday, September 26th. Guests included politicians, diplomats, academics, members of the business community, thought leaders, media, and…